A narrative exploration of how the concept of common sense is inadequate in today's complex world draws on multiple disciplines to offer insight into the sources of such topics as popularity, economics and self-deception.
Meyer-Waarden, L. 232, 240 Michon, R. 239 Mick, D.G. 37 Milgram, S. 238 Miller, F. 253^1 Milliman, R.E. 236-7 Mitchell, A.A. 66 Mittal, V 169-70, 259 Mizerski, R.W 259, 270 Moldovan, S.E. 276 Monroe, K.B. 194, 197, 202 Moore, WL.
New York: Blackwell, 1988. Gellner, Ernest. “Trust, Cohesion, and the Social Order.” In Trust: Making and Breaking Cooperative Relations, edited by Diego Gambetta, 142–57. New York: Blackwell, 1988. Genovese, Eugene D. Roll, Jordan, ...
Hoffman and Spit- zer expected to observe only Pareto superior contracts — that is, ones under which no party to the contract would come out monetarily worse off. In the two-person games, most players (especially those who knew that ...
-- Surviving executive design whims "I thought usability was the enemy of design until I read the first edition of this book. Don't Make Me Think! showed me how to put myself in the position of the person who uses my site.
It demonstrates that time is relative rather than absolute, that high speeds affect the nature of time, and that acceleration affects speed, time, and mass. Very little mathematics is required, and 60 illustrations augment the text.
"If you are looking for practical guidelines on how to conduct yourself in a business situation, what behaviors you need to use to get ahead, and how to be sure that you do not offend others, read this book!
This is the story of how public goods in this country—from parks and pools to functioning schools—have become private luxuries; of how unions collapsed, wages stagnated, and inequality increased; and of how this country, unique among ...
Some forward-thinking business schools have even added storytelling courses to their management curriculum. The reason for this is simple: Stories have the ability to engage an audience the way logic and bullet points alone never could.
Roy Baumeister, quoted by Kirsten Weir, “The Power of Self-Control,” Monitor on Psychology 43.1 (January 2012): 36. ... Jasmine M. Carey and Delroy Paulhus, “Worldview Implications of Believing in Free Will and/or Determinism: Politics, ...
An award-winning professor of economics at MIT and a Harvard University political scientist and economist evaluate the reasons that some nations are poor while others succeed, outlining provocative perspectives that support theories about ...