This synthesis will be of interest to state department of transportation (DOT) administrators and mid- to upper-level managers; researchers; cost estimators; bridge and general management system engineers; and bridge design, construction, inspection and maintenance engineers; as well as to private industry professionals involved in developing bridge management system (BMS) software and collecting and analyzing BMS cost data. The state of the practice for collecting and managing cost data for BMS is described based on data obtained from a review of the literature and a survey of the state DOTs. This report describes BMS cost data for work done by contract and in-house forces for state and local governments. It includes project-level cost estimation as well as the collection and management of data for network- level cost models. The various cost estimate methods for replacement; maintenance, repair and rehabilitation; and emergency work are analyzed as are the special requirements of user costs and other special economic data.
The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 required states to develop and implement 6 systems for managing highway pavement, bridges, highway safety, traffic congestion, public transportation facilities and equipment, and ...
Studies that focused on developing cost models for specific treatments include those of Tam and Stiemer (1996), who developed a bridge corrosion cost model for coating maintenance, and Wipfetal. (1987), who concentrated on cost analysis ...
Collecting and Managing Cost Data for Bridge Management Systems . National Cooperative Highway Research Program Synthesis 227. Washington : Transportation Research Board . Thompson , P.D. , F.T. Najafi , R. Soares , and H.J. Choung .
Virginia Quintin D. Elliott Erle W. Potter, P.E. Washington Robert “Chris” Christopher, P.E. West Virginia John Walker ... P.E. U.S. DOT Members FHWA Roemer Alfelor Wade Casey Joyce A. Curtis William R. Dooley Celso Gatchalian Eugene ...
PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION OF THE COMPLETED QUESTIONNAIRE TO YOUR AGENCY'S CHIEF BRIDGE ENGINEER WHO WILL SEND IT TO ... Rating: h) Documented bridge needs, tempered by engineering judgment, based on results of the computerized bridge ...
Thompson, Paul D., and Markow, Michael J., “Collecting and Managing Cost Data for Bridge Management Systems”, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Synthesis of Highway Practice 227, 1996 TRB (1990a) “Truck Weight Limits: Issues ...
Transportation Research Record
Michael J Markow, Cambridge Systematics, EVS, Inc ... Michigan DOT, Lansing Douglas W. Stotlar, President and CEO, Con-Way, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI C. Michael Walton, Ernest H. Cockrell Centennial Chair in Engineering, University of Texas, ...
Accompanying CD-ROM contains software, Guidance manual, User manual, and appendixes to report.
Detailed procedures for carrying out in - depth inspections and condition surveys are given in the following ... Two - Girder Steel Bridges ( 39 ) • NCHRP Report 352 : Inelastic Rating Procedures for Steel Beam and Girder Bridges ( 40 ) ...