New legal approaches, such as the European Union's 1996 Directive on the Legal Protection of Databases, and other legal initiatives now being considered in the United States at the federal and state level, are threatening to compromise public access to scientific and technical data available through computerized databases. Lawmakers are struggling to strike an appropriate balance between the rights of database rights holders, who are concerned about possible commercial misappropriation of their products, and public-interest users of the data such as researchers, educators, and libraries. A Question of Balance examines this balancing act. The committee concludes that because database rights holders already enjoy significant legal, technical, and market-based protections, the need for statutory protection has not been sufficiently substantiated. Nevertheless, although the committee opposes the creation of any strong new protective measures, it recognizes that some additional limits against wholesale misappropriation of databases may be necessary. In particular, a new, properly scoped and focused U.S. statute might provide a reasonable alternative to the European Union's highly protectionistic database directive. Such legislation could then serve as a legal model for an international treaty in this area. The book recommends a number of guiding principles for such possible legislation, as well as related policy actions for the administration.
A Question of Balance
... Hans , 127 Biden , Joseph R. , Jr. , 56 , 65 Birnbaum , Jeffrey H. , 22 in Bissell , Richard , 74 Blechman , Barry M. ... 179 , 180–81 ; and War Powers Resolution , 58 , 61 Butterfield , Fox , 117n Byrd , Harry , 74 Byrd , Robert C.
Michael Creswell's book is a tour de force , at once bold , sophisticated , and nuanced . ... Whereas most scholars focus on America's relations with Germany and the Soviet Union , A Question of Balance looks at FrancoAmerican relations ...
In A Question of Balance , Taylor Greer argues that Seeger's central contribution to the field of music was his aesthetic philosophy , which can be described as a marriage of conflicting temperaments : an artistic instinct mediated by a ...
A Question of Balance: Lone Parents, Childcare and Work
A Question of Balance not only celebrates the achievements of mothers in the arts, but also reveals some of the difficult choices and painful losses they have faced. Whether confronted...
You'll even learn the functions of your major organs in a way that is simple and even fun. If you are looking for a way to stay healthy, this is the first book you need.
Analysis of the conflict between economic development, conservation of natural resources, and Australian environmental policy, with particular emphasis on tourism, mining, agriculture and forest resources. The author is a senior...
This book focuses on how the same molecules can have favorable or noxious effects depending on location, level and timing.
A Question of Balance not only celebrates the achievements of mothers in the arts, but also reveals some of the difficult choices and painful losses they have faced.