Levinson Transportation Consultant, New Haven, CT SUE MCNEIL, Director, Urban Transportation Center and Professor, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs and Department of Civil and Material Engineering, University of Illinois, ...
Is it a social issue as well as a moral, political, or science issue? In Environmental Justice Analysis: Theories, Methods, and Practice author Feng Liu suggests it is all of them.
EPA Needs to Consistently Implement the Intent of the Executive Order on Environmental Justice: EPA Evaluation Report
This book presents the first comparative survey of access to environmental justice, and will be of considerable use to lawyers, policy-makers, activists and scholars who are concerned with the environmental issues which so profoundly affect ...
In developing its environmental justice framework, which consists of agency initiatives, including Plan EJ 2014 and the implementation plans, EPA generally followed most of the six leading federal strategic planning practices that we ...
Under the best of circumstances, preparing an environmental impact assessment (EIA) can be a complex and challenging task.
This edited collection analyzes the appropriate balance between conservation and development and the place for participation and popular protest in environmental assessment.
The environmental justice movement is aimed at having the public and private sectors address this disproportionate burden of risk and exposure to pollution in minority and/or low-income communities, and for those communities to be engaged ...
See Steven Ferry , Law Of Independent Power ( West Pub . 1998 ) . 15. See Chapter 15 , " Controlling Existing Facilities , " infra . 16. See Michael B. Gerrard , The Victims of NIMBY , 21 Fordham Urb . L. J. 495 ( 1994 ) . 17.
Legal and ethical aspects of environmental health issues. The book makes recommendations to decision-makers in the areas of public health, research, and education of health professionals and outlines health policy considerations.
In Environmental Justice, leading thinkers of the environmental justice movement take a direct look at the failure of "top down" public policy to effectively deal with issues of environmental equity....