TRB¿s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 617: Accident Modification Factors for Traffic Engineering and ITS Improvements explores the development of accident modification factors (AMFs) for traffic engineering and intelligent transportation system improvements. AMFs, also known as crash reduction factors, are designed to provide a simple and quick way of estimating the safety impacts of various types of engineering improvements, encompassing the areas of signing, alignment, channelization, and other traffic engineering solutions.
The Little Green Man
Risk and the Control of Technology: Public Policies for Road Traffic Safety in Britain and the United States
This study was undertaken to explore the underlying factors influencing the on road behaviour of long distance truck drivers.
Your Highway Code Test Made Easy
Hay unos 800 millones de bicicletas en todo el planeta, cifra que duplica el número de automóviles. ... Se estimó que hay más de 300 millones de bicicletas en China: alrededor de una de cada cuatro personas posee una bicicleta y solo 1 ...
TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 731: Guidelines for Timing Yellow and All-Red Intervals at Signalized Intersections offers guidance for yellow change and all-red clearance intervals at signalized ...
Grandpa is a famous trucker, eager to share life lessons from the road with children who love trucks.
'Look out on the road' is the perfect introduction to road safety for very young children.
Verkehrssicherheit von ausländischen Arbeitnehmern und ihren Familien
Report of Inquiry Into Safety in the Long Haul Trucking Industry