TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 24: Strategies and Financing Opportunities for Airport Environmental Programs summarizes public and private funding opportunities and strategies available to airports to help accomplish their environmental programs and objectives.
... DC Anne S. Ferro, Administrator, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, U.S.DOT LeRoy Gishi, Chief, Division of Transportation, Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC Edward R. Hamberger, ...
The purpose of this ACRP synthesis is to provide a comprehensive summary of those funding opportunities, programs, and strategies available to airports to assist them in meeting their environmental responsibilities or undertaking ...
Airport employees are vital to the operation of an airport.
Passenger air travel is at an all-time high, and airports are investing in the infrastructure needed to meet demand.
"TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 90: Impact of Regulatory Compliance Costs on Small Airports explores the cumulative costs of complying with regulatory and other federal requirements at small...
H.R. 2881 also would authorize funding for wake vortex mitigation technologies, including advisory systems. ... the bill would increase funding for the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) to examine airport environmental issues ...
Additionally, the bill would increase funding for the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) to examine airport environmental issues and calls for an interagency study on the effects of aviation on climate change.
Airports and the Environment
Any strategic execution that affects information technology should be included in any environmental scan by considering ... Capital Funding Any environmental scan should take into consideration the implications of strategic execution on ...
Smoothing the airport experience., ... An Aviation Strategy for Europe. ... Airport environmental programs. ,https://www.