TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 43: Guidebook of Practices for Improving Environmental Performance at Small Airports outlines federal environmental regulations and requirements, and identifies activities in which airport operators can be proactive in promoting environmental stewardship. As a quick reference, summary graphics provide information pertaining to the cost and savings as well as the necessary knowledge and amount of time to implement a particular activity. In addition, there are five case studies that discuss environmental initiatives already undertaken at airports that can serve as a guide for other airports. The report includes the collection of environmental stewardship practices in a searchable, filterable spreadsheet format on a CD-ROM, which is packaged with the report. The CD-ROM included as part of ACRP Report 43 is also available for download from TRB's website as an ISO image.
... John , 139 Bennett , Derry , 18 Benstock , Marcy , 64 , 65 Berger , Joseph , 142–43 Bernick , Andy , 75 biodiversity , 2–3 , 22 , 43 bio - remediation , 50 Bird Conservation Areas , 68 BirdLife International , 79 birds : bald eagles ...
(17) Akerblom, G. , and Wilson, C. Radon: geological aspects of an environmental problem. Uppsala: Geological Survey of Sweden, 1982: report 30. RADON: EXPOSURES AND RISKS EXPOSURE OF THE SWEDISH POPULATION TO 34.
A geographical area is regarded as a natural environment if the human impact on it is kept under a certain limited level. This book presents research on a wide variety of environmental concerns in todayâe(tm)s world.
Lumby-Lavington Air Quality, 1975-1990
Equation 35 D 0 TABLE 24 Segment delay between signals (secs/km) Source: 1994 Highway Capacity Manual, Table 11-4, ... coordinated signals with favorable progression; and = 0.60 for coordinated signals with highly favorable progression.
Solutions Manual for Indoor Air Quality Engineering
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for pesticide active ingredient production background information for promulgated standards: summary of...
IAQ investigators are given the tools to conduct thorough IAQ investigations, be knowledgeable about ventilation system components, occupant concerns and symptoms, sources of chemical and biological contaminants, IAQ sampling methods, ...
Meteorological monitoring guidance for regulatory modeling applications
INvironment: The Handbook of Building Management and Indoor Air Quality