The United States will certainly be subject to damaging earthquakes in the future. Some of these earthquakes will occur in highly populated and vulnerable areas. Coping with moderate earthquakes is not a reliable indicator of preparedness for a major earthquake in a populated area. The recent, disastrous, magnitude-9 earthquake that struck northern Japan demonstrates the threat that earthquakes pose. Moreover, the cascading nature of impacts-the earthquake causing a tsunami, cutting electrical power supplies, and stopping the pumps needed to cool nuclear reactors-demonstrates the potential complexity of an earthquake disaster. Such compound disasters can strike any earthquake-prone populated area. National Earthquake Resilience presents a roadmap for increasing our national resilience to earthquakes. The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) is the multi-agency program mandated by Congress to undertake activities to reduce the effects of future earthquakes in the United States. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-the lead NEHRP agency-commissioned the National Research Council (NRC) to develop a roadmap for earthquake hazard and risk reduction in the United States that would be based on the goals and objectives for achieving national earthquake resilience described in the 2008 NEHRP Strategic Plan. National Earthquake Resilience does this by assessing the activities and costs that would be required for the nation to achieve earthquake resilience in 20 years. National Earthquake Resilience interprets resilience broadly to incorporate engineering/science (physical), social/economic (behavioral), and institutional (governing) dimensions. Resilience encompasses both pre-disaster preparedness activities and post-disaster response. In combination, these will enhance the robustness of communities in all earthquake-vulnerable regions of our nation so that they can function adequately following damaging earthquakes. While National Earthquake Resilience is written primarily for the NEHRP, it also speaks to a broader audience of policy makers, earth scientists, and emergency managers.
The Reauthorization of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program: R&D for Disaster Resilient Communities : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on...
This book defines "national resilience", describes the state of knowledge about resilience to hazards and disasters, and frames the main issues related to increasing resilience in the United States.
The report also reviews progressive steps that have been made in research and development, and considers what factors will accelerate transformative solutions.
A different problem that has emerged during the last decade owing to the accumulation of seismic data from ... Committee on National Earthquake Resilience Research, Implementation, and Outreach (2011) Committee on seismology and ...
NIST GCR 11-917-15, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg NRC (2011) National earthquake resilience: research, implementation and outreach. National Research Council, National Academies Press, Washington, ...
Specifically, the book finds that local-level private-public collaboration is essential to the development of community resilience.
Although there is a great deal of high-quality information available on resilience-related topics hazard assessment, vulnerability assessment, risk assessment, risk management, and loss estimation as well as disaster resilience itself, ...
This book is a collection of scientific papers on earthquake preparedness, vulnerability, resilience, and risk assessment.
This book is a collection of scientific papers on earthquake preparedness, vulnerability, resilience, and risk assessment.
The Second Edition, includes three new chapters covering the critical excitation problem for multi-component input ground motions, and that for elastic-plastic structures in a more direct way are incorporated and discussed in more depth.