TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 52: Wayfinding and Signing Guidelines for Airport Terminals and Landside is designed to provide airports with the tools necessary to help passengers find their way in and around the airport.
ACRP Report 10: Innovations for Airport Terminal Facilities (34) envisions that Common Use Self-Service (CUSS) will become widely implemented in U.S. airports and that passengers will be able to tag their own baggage, as currently ...
Discussions focus on innovative approaches that improve the experience of passengers between the airport entrance and the ... 7) ACRP Project A11-03, Synthesis 20,Airport Terminal Facility Activation Techniques, Transportation Research ...
Wayfinding and signing guidelines for airport terminals and landside: (ACRP report 52). Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board. acrp/acrp_rpt_052.pdf . Accessed 4 Dec 2015.
In: N. Halpern and A. Graham, eds., The Routledge companion to air transport management. Abingdon: Routledge. ... In: A. Papatheodorou, ed., Corporate rivalry and market power. London: I.B. Tauris. ... Harrow: Pearson Education Limited.
The book offers readers a multi-sector, global perspective on the practical implications of the link between air transport and tourism.
Along with increased industry activity in this area, there has also been a growing interest in airport marketing as an area of academic study. Kramer et al. (2010) provided a marketing guidebook for small airports; Jarach (2005) ... Leland, Karen and Bailey, Keith, “Watercooler Wisdom: Creating a Customer Focused Company Through Service Training.” Airport Revenue News, Volume 4, Issue 47 (July, 2005) pp. 46–47. Lemsom, Marion, “Food for Flyers ...
"TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 51: Impacts of Aging Travelers on Airports describes the challenges of wayfinding, fatigue, technology and equipment, and needed amenities, as well as the...
Monitoring systems that include intrusion alarms, video monitoring, and access control should be part of any system deployed. Existing security systems should be evaluated to determine if they can accommodate the additional elements ...
"TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 157: Improving the Airport Customer Experience documents notable and emerging practices in airport customer service management that increase customer satisfaction, recognizing the ...