The purpose of this synthesis was to document the past and current experiences of public transit agencies that have planned, implemented, and operated fare-free transit systems. The report concentrates on public transit agencies that are either direct recipients or sub-recipients of federal transit grants and provide fare-free service to everyone in their service area on every mode they provide. The report will be of interest to transit managers and staffs, small urban and rural areas, university, and resort communities, as well as stakeholders and policy makers at all levels who would be interested in knowing the social benefits and macro impacts of providing affordable mobility through fare-free public transit. A review of the relevant literature was conducted for this effort. Reports provide statistics on changes in levels of ridership associated with fare-free service. White papers or agency reports identified by the topic panel or discovered through interviews with fare-free transit managers were also reviewed. Through topic panel input, Internet searches, listserv communications, and APTA and TRB sources, the first comprehensive listing of public transit agencies that provide fare-free service in the United States was identified. A selected survey of these identified public transit agencies yielded an 82% response rate (32/39). The report offers a look at policy and administrative issues through survey responses. Five case studies, achieved through interviews, represent the three types of communities that were found to be most likely to adopt a fare-free policy: rural and small urban, university dominated, and resort communities.
For example, MTC staff worked with BART and Contra Costa County to design a land-use plan for the Pleasant Hill BART station, which was located in an unincorporated area. The plan anchors the transit stop with a relatively high-density, ...
... Washington, DC E. DEAN CARLSON, President, Carlson Associates, Topeka, KS JOANNE F. CASEY, President and CEO, Intermodal Association of North America JAMES C. CODELL III, Secretary, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet JOHN L. CRAIG, ...
... Texas A&M University CYNTHIA J. BURBANK, PB Americas, Inc. LISA FREESE, Scott County (MN) Public Works Division MALCOLM T. ... Texas A&M University CHRISTOPHER B. DOUWES, Federal Highway Administration (Liaison) ROSLYN WEBBER, ...
Keck, D., H. Patel, A.J. Scolaro, A. Bloch, and C. Ryan, NCHRP Report 662: Accelerating Transportation Project and Program Delivery: Conception to Completion, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC, ...
This book also reports on the extent to which federal transit programs use performance information in making decisions about funding distribution and in evaluating the programs' effectiveness; mechanisms for making these programs more ...
Public Transportation: Future Demand is Likely for new Starts and Small Starts programs, but Improvements Needed to the Small Starts...
Report provides information about the processes that state and regional transportation decisionmakers use to analyze and select transportation infrastructure investments.