Even as malnutrition in the form of hunger and obesity affect the health and well-being of millions of people worldwide, a significant amount of food is lost or wasted every day, in every country, and at every stage in the supply chain from the farm to the household. According to a 2011 estimate by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), about one-third of food produced is lost or wasted globally. Beyond quantity estimates, however, less is known about the impacts on farmers, food prices, food availability, and environment of reducing food loss and waste. On October 17, 2018, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine organized a workshop to examine key challenges that arise in reducing food loss and waste throughout the supply chain and discussed potential ways to address these challenges. This publication summarizes the presentations and discussions from the workshop.
Beyond quantity estimates, however, less is known about the impacts on farmers, food prices, food availability, and environment of reducing food loss and waste.
The Global Food Policy Report is IFPRI’s flagship publication. This year’s annual report examines major food policy issues, global and regional developments, and commitments made in 2015, and presents data on key food policy indicators.
This FAO study provides a global account of the environmental footprint of food wastage (i.e. both food loss and food waste) along the food supply chain, focusing on impacts on...
• New York Times bestseller • The 100 most substantive solutions to reverse global warming, based on meticulous research by leading scientists and policymakers around the world “At this point in time, the Drawdown book is exactly what ...
A National Strategy to Reduce Food Waste at the Consumer Level identifies strategies for changing consumer behavior, considering interactions and feedbacks within the food system.
Global food insecurity is a growing issue. At a time when the world’s population is increasing and agricultural production is challenged by climate change, it is estimated that around a...
People living in rural areas are more likely to be killed or seriously injured if they are involved in road accidents because motor vehicles tend to travel faster there and trauma care is extremely limited (World Health Organization ...
... losses from infrastructure. Flows of milk, from cow to uplift, to farm and processor gate were gauged by survey responses with all possible losses ... Food Waste in Primary Production Materials and Methods Data Collection and Analysis.
Intended to be a guide for all segments of the food industry aiming to adapt or further develop zero waste strategies, this book analyzes the problem of food waste from every angle and provides critical information on how to minimize waste.
... sustainability of products. In this commercial sector, producers want to integrate ecological processes and ... agricultural market is volatile and extremely sensitive to economic fluctuations (Borodin, Bourtembourg, Hnaien, & Labadie ...