Although the need for a more effective set of short- and long-term transportation resilience strategies is increasingly obvious and urgent, many knowledge gaps and institutional barriers still exist. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Research Report 975: Transportation System Resilience: Research Roadmap and White Papers highlights significant knowledge gaps within AASHTO and state departments of transportation, presents a 5-year research plan that addresses these gaps, and discusses critical resilience-related issues facing senior transportation leaders today. Supplementary materials to the report include a Road Map Ratings and Rankings Workbook (Appendix B) and a Resilience Research Roadmap and White Papers Presentation.
This report discusses the concept of resilience in the context of critical infrastructure and homeland security.
Key features of the book include: Multidisciplinary perspective, drawing on economics, geography, management science and engineering Multisector analysis including containers, bulk, break-bulk and the cruise industry Focus on the latest ...
Transportation officials recognize that a reliable and sustainable transportation system is needed to fulfil their agency's mission and goals. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's pre-publication draft of NCHRP...
This work will provide a reference text to students and scholars of a number of disciplines.
Bollinger, L.A., Bogmans, C.W.J., Chappin, E.J.L., Dijkema, G.P.J., Huibregtse, J.N., Maas, N., Schenk, T., Snelder, M., Van Thienen, P., De Wit, S., Wols, B., Tavasszy, L.A., 2014. ... McEvoy, D., Mullett, J., 2013.
In the book, Renne, Wolshon, Murray-Tuite, Pande and Kim demonstrate how to minimize the transportation impacts associated with these urban disasters, with an ultimate goal of returning them to at least status quo in the shortest feasible ...
Enhancing the Resilience of the Nation's Electricity System focuses on identifying, developing, and implementing strategies to increase the power system's resilience in the face of events that can cause large-area, long-duration outages: ...
The report documents resilience efforts and how they are organized, understood, and implemented within transportation agencies' core functions and services.
This book examines how DHS and DOT help transit agencies make their systems resilient; actions selected transit agencies take to make their systems resilient; and challenges transit agencies face with making their systems resilient.
Docherty, I., G. Giuliano and D. Houston (2008) “Connected cities”, in R.D. Knowles, J. Shaw and I. Docherty (eds) Transport Geographies: Mobilities, Flows and Spaces, London: Blackwell, pp. 83–101. Gwilliam, K. (ed.) ...