Through their ministry, Dave and Jan Dravecky have met many courageous individuals who have exhibited Great faith in their own tough times. PORTRAITS IN COURAGE recounts intensely personal stories of everyday heroes who have made a lasting impression and inspired the Draveckys in their own walk with Christ.
It is President Bush’s desire that these stories of courage and resilience will honor our men and women in uniform, highlight their family and caregivers who bear the burden of their sacrifice, and help Americans understand how we can ...
Each painting in this ... hardcover volume is accompanied by the ... story of the veteran depicted, written by the President"
This book is perfect for: • Activists, old and new • Politically engaged readers • Photography fans • Millennials
That spirit is fueled by the trust in our people, one of our greatest strengths; it produces Airmen like the ones we humbly present in this ninth volume of Portraits in Courage.
In the tradition of John F. Kennedy's Pulitzer Prize-winning Profiles in Courage, Prime Minister Gordon Brown's fascinating collection of inspirational leaders is destined to become a staple of every politically conscious reader's library ...
We Lucky Few: Portraits of Courage and Sacrifice from SE Iowa
This is not only a breathtaking art book. Original Sisters also recounts a secret history that must be told so that it is a secret no more.
Justice Seekers, Peace Makers: 32 Portraits in Courage
The first study to examine More's complete works in view of his concept of statesmanship and, in the process, link his humanism, faith, and legal and political vocations into a coherent narrative.b
Alfia still remembers waiting for the bus on her first day at Lewis F. Cole Middle School in Fort Lee, New Jersey. She spoke only a couple of words of English. Unbelievably, the other student at the bus stop spoke Russian.