Most of us realize that traffic laws exist to preserve our lives, not cramp them. Yet when it comes to moral laws, 66 percent of Americans believe there are no absolutes. Is it any wonder, then, that the highway of our postmodern culture is strewn with wrecks? Broken marriages, overcrowded prisons, murder in the classrooms, babies having babies - -they're what happen when we confuse liberty with ignoring the rules of the road. That's why Michael Moriarty is convinced that the Ten Commandments really are The Perfect 10. Behind them lie God's concern for our welfare and his understanding of the indelible truths that govern our world, our relationships, and our inner being. One by one, Moriarty reveals the Ten Commandments as the keys to wholeness and freedom and shows their far-reaching application for us today. For the Perfect 10 remain the ideal ethical compass. They help us align our lives with the character of God; and to a world hurtling blindly down the dead-end road or moral relativism, they point the way back to sanity, restoration, and life.
An exciting and insightful account of the controversial world of gymnastics, the recent changes of the scoring system, and why those changes will drive American gymnasts to the top of the sport in the twenty-first century.
Heather hilariously encourages you to lighten up and focus on what’s really important in life. Like a laughter-filled conversation with an old friend, A Perfect 10 is a great gift to give to others or yourself.
INGREDIENTS 1⁄2 roasted, boneless duck 1 cup coconut milk, divided 1 (8-ounce) can panang curry paste 1 tablespoon fish sauce 1 teaspoon agave 1⁄2 green or red pepper, chopped 3 to 5 fresh kaffir lime leaves DIRECTIONS 1.
Sam Raines performs a love spell with his Wiccan best friend after breaking up with the only other gay guy at school and finds himself pursued by three seemingly perfect suitors.
Blake Edwards , the famed director who also produced and directed classic films such as Breakfast at Tiffany's and The Pink Panther , perpetuated this rating system with his movie 10 , starring the beautiful Bo Derrick .
Heather Land has something to say about almost everything in life—the unbelievable, inconceivable, and downright frustrating—and why she “ain’t doin’ it.” Now, Heather shines a light on the (occasional) ridiculousness of life ...
A Perfect 10, Book 2, is a collection of piano solos designed to promote musical excellence for the late elementary to early intermediate-level pianist.
A More Perfect Ten is a revision of Gary Garrison's pioneering book on writing and producing the 10-minute play, and it is now the most authoritative book on this emerging play form.
A Perfect 10, Book 3, is a collection of piano solos designed to promote musical excellence for the early intermediate-level pianist.
Whether you are a student, a parent, or an educator, this book will speak to you. If you ask us, it's the perfect time to pick up this book and start reading