These six sessions will equip you to extend love to seekers around you and talk about your experience with God in ways that people will understand.
Sharing Your Life Mission Every Day just isn't that hard.
The six discussion guides of the Doing Life Together series provide small-group members with basic training on how to live healthy, balanced, purpose-driven lives. (August)
Let Rick Warren guide you as you learn to live out your true purpose. The Purpose Driven Life is more than a book; it's a road map for your spiritual journey.
In particular the leader will learn how to lead the session’s experiential exercise. These exercises make this series a cut above most small group discussion guides. They are much easier to lead when one has seen how to do them.
Unfortunately, the mission practices of most churches stand on weak foundations. Life on Mission gives gospel-centered, biblical, practical foundations for how missions was meant to be: an everyone-together effort.
The way you’re wired is no accident!
What does it mean to surrender to God?
Brett Eastman, Dee Eastman, Todd Wendorff, Denise Wendorff, Karen Lee-Thorp. PRAYER AND PRAISE REPORT Briefly share your prayer requests with the large group, making notations below. Then gather in smaller groups of two to four to pray ...
This introductory group study gives you an overview of the five biblical purposes that God intends for your life.
The heart of Christianity is not a ritual or a structure, but a Person—Jesus Christ.