Why should we pattern our lives after Christ s and accept his teachings as the ultimate way to live? Because of who he is. This six-week guide lets groups experience Jesus as Teacher, Healer, Shepherd, Servant, Savior, and Risen Lord."
fourth-century emperor Julian, for instance, regarded Christians as “atheists” because they rejected the traditional Roman gods, and he was frustrated that so many pagans were converting. Julian complained, “Why do we not observe that ...
6 Small Group Sessions on the Life of Christ Doug Fields, Brett Eastman ... 156 Prayer Request Guidelines 158 Prayer Options 160 Prayer Request Log 162 EXPERIENCING CHRIST TOGETHER for a Year 168 About the Authors 170 Small Group Leader ...
Used in conjunction with the Experiencing Christ Together Student Edition books, theseteaching lessons support and advance the work your students will be doing in their small groups.Taken together, the Experiencing Christ Together Student ...
Brett Eastman, Dee Eastman, Todd Wendorff, Denise Wendorff, Karen Lee-Thorp. PRAYER AND PRAISE REPORT Briefly share your prayer requests with the large group, making notations below. Then gather in smaller groups of two to four to pray ...
Experiencing Christ Together DVD Curriculum will help your small group take the next step in living lives of purpose in community with 36 lessons from Experiencing Christ Together.
This introductory group study gives you an overview of the five biblical purposes that God intends for your life.
Brett Eastman, Dee Eastman. DVD TEACHING SEGMENT. A DVD companion to this study guide is available. For each study session, a teacher discusses the topic, ordinary Christians talk about the personal experience of the topic, ...
Surrendering to Christ Together looks at the life of Jesus and shows students how giving in to God can be the best decision they will ever make.
Coauthors of the bestselling small group resources DOING LIFE TOGETHER and EXPERIENCING CHRIST TOGETHER BRETT AND DEE EASTMAN •DENISEWENDORFF• KAREN LEE-THORP •TODD WENDORFF esus said he “did not come to be served, but to serve.
Now in Life Together we have Pastor Bonhoeffer's experience of Christian community. This story of a unique fellowship in an underground seminary during the Nazi years reads like one of Paul's letters.