A Life Together Resource---Living with Purpose in CommunityStudents understand that they were created for a reason---they know God had something in mindwhen he knit them together. The challenge is helping your students unlock that knowledge andstart living the life they were designed for.Experiencing Christ Together Student Edition (modeled after Experiencing Christ Together adultcurriculum) brings your students face to face with Jesus, the one who holds the key to living forGod. By studying Jesus' words and life, these small group studies will take your students to theheart of what it means to live purposefully for God.Included in the Experiencing Christ Together Student Edition curriculum are these studies:* Beginning in Jesus* Connecting in Jesus* Growing in Jesus* Serving Like Jesus* Sharing Christ Jesus* Surrendering to JesusAlso included are three DVDs, each of which contains biblical teaching that covers twelve individualsessions. Used in conjunction with the Experiencing Christ Together Student Edition books, theseteaching lessons support and advance the work your students will be doing in their small groups.Taken together, the Experiencing Christ Together Student Edition curriculum represent thirty-sixindividual sessions (almost a year's worth of small-group studies) and over twelve hours of teachingall aimed at helping your students learn to follow God's purpose for their lives. each piece isavailable separately.
Noah's trust and faith in God was so extraordinary that he didn't hesitate. He obediently did all that God had told him to do without a hint of disbelief.A true man, with childlike faith, who didn't let any distractions or hindrances ...
Women who long to grow in God and make a real difference in the world--no matter how small--will reach eagerly for this book and the radical transformation it offers.
You will never know real joy, real peace, real success until you learn what it means to live a fully surrendered life,to continually say 'no' to self and 'yes' to God.Choosing the pathway to full surrender will transform your perspective, ...
Surrendering to Christ Together teaches students that submission to God really is the best way to live. Six small-group sessions help kids learn the challenges and benefits of extreme faith and deep worship.
I have an anger problem. I went to counseling for anger. I have even attended anger management classes. Anger is usually not the core problem, but a symptom of something much deeper. The problem is usually either fear or hurt, and anger ...
She wants to be rooted in the God who is in control. I Give Up will help you Discover a deeper life of worship, a fuller life of joy, and a freer life of true surrender as you open your hands to God. And give up.
carpenter . He was called the “ son of a carpenter . " Examine your poverty . Is it something joyful ? Examine your obedience . Is your obedience total surrender ? They are twins . Poverty is the sister and obedience is the brother .
Devotions give readers inspiration to find peace in their own lives. Excellent stand-alone resource or companion to the Surrendered: Letting Go and Living Like Jesus Bible study.
Provides a clear profile of what it means to be a follower of Jesus, with practical and specific means to live out that life authentically.
Jesus surrendered himself to God's will and in this book, I seek to encourage believers to do the same.As this book was being written, the words were coming from deep within my belly and the Spirit of God flowed through my mouth.