God instituted festivals and feasts. Jesus went to weddings and parties. Christians were made to be people who celebrate, and the focal point of praise should always be God. He is generous, and He is righteous, and believers' natural responses should be celebration.
Every phrase in the verse resonates with significant themes in the Old and New Testaments, all of which combine to show that the Bible tells the story of God’s salvation very broadly indeed, in relation to the character and purposes of ...
In Amos 1:14, the prophetic word of the Lord tells us there will be shouting in the day of battle. When the men of Judah gave a shout in 2 Chronicles 13:15, they released a war cry. In Joshua 6:20, when the people shouted with a great ...
How can we help children learn to celebrate ethnic differences? Shai Linne authored this delightful book set in a classroom where the children are teasing each other about the color of their skin.
The Belief Matters series assists pastors and clergy in explaining fundamental elements of the church and its worship to congregations. Holy Communion is the second in the series and follows Incarnation by William H. Willimon.
If you could spend a day swapping stories with Patsy Clairmont, Mary Graham, Lisa Harper, Mandisa, Marilyn Meberg, Luci Swindoll, Sheila Walsh, and Lisa Whelchel, these are the stories you would hear.
The phenomenal success of the Fifty Shades series has caught the publishing world and reading public by storm. The Christian community has found the book to be nothing short of written word pornography.
This collection of essays offers a framework for reflection and study by United Methodist laity, clergy, and seminarians seeking to live into our faith’s commitment to ecumenism and interfaith relationships.
This volume walks through a logical progression of how to think and act in regards to money, and provides scores of scenarios for discussion and application.
The God who delights to live in you through His Spirit. The God who wants to change the world through you. The God whose favorite thing is to be in relationship with you! This is the faith we live and the God we celebrate.
A Wife’s Secret to Happiness shares eleven powerful, practical blessings that God wants to pour into your lap like sweet spiritual confetti, and the wifestyle habits that will attract or reject this divine provision.