This biblically grounded book asserts that many leaders overlook the necessary precondition of discerning and cooperating with the empowering will of the Holy Spirit before putting their programs and activities into action. It is a highly practical guide for nurturing relations between believers and the Spirit, in order to better advance the Kingdom of God. Estimated pg ct changed from 224 to 240 on 7-22-09.
No church leader should miss this strategic book." C. Peter Wagner, Wagner Leadership Institute "It is refreshing to have a church growth book that takes us back to basics.
This book deals with the rites of passage into adult Christian living. to pass through these powers of anointing by the Holy Spirit, all of us must take a journey from babyhood (new birth in Christ) to growing in spiritual maturity into ...
In this book you will learn how to: Make deep foundational decisions about your core identity Implement practical steps for deliberate character development Incorporate daily, practical disciplines that transform your leadership ability ...
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the Church's greatest need. This statement by Ellen G White forms the basis of this book by G Earl Knight.
This is the focus of this book, to provide laity and Christian leaders with a critically important insight in how to more effectively evangelize a lost and dying world.
"The book is a leader's handbook for running the day-to-day operation of a church. With easy to understand examples, this book provides a simplistic approach to managing church resources--people, time, and money.
How to Live as Jesus Lived Dallas Willard, one of today's most brilliant Christian thinkers and author of The Divine Conspiracy (Christianity Today's 1999 Book of the Year), presents a way of living that enables ordinary men and women to ...
In A Spirit-Empowered Church, Alton Garrison points us to the heart of dynamic church growth: creating Spirit-empowered disciples who are involved in five activities--connect, grow, serve, go, and worship--to change individuals, families, ...
90% of the churches in the world have less than 200 people. What if that's not a bad thing? What if smallness is an advantage God wants us to use, not a problem to fix?
At the conclusion of each chapter, an evaluation of the church growth principle will be given. ... “The problem with studying an unusual group, like the fastestgrowing churches in America, is that the researcher has no way of knowing ...