The Steps from Text to Narrative SermonPresenting biblically centered sermons in a new,creative genrePastors and teachers are always on the lookout for newways to expand the effectiveness of their preaching.Sermons delivered in the first-person point of view canweave the power of story and drama into the biblicalteaching, making familiar—and not-so-familiar—characters and situations come to life. This book helpsstudents and pastors understand how first-personsermons can be preached with biblical integrity. Itextends Haddon Robinson’s “big idea” philosophy ofpreaching to this new genre.J. Kent Edwards takes a practical approach as he walksreaders through the steps needed for creating sermonsthat are faithful to the text and engaging to the listener.Examples and worksheets enable readers to apply thisunique approach to one of their own sermons. The bookincludes a CD-ROM with a video sample of first-personnarrative preaching.
Haddon and Torrey Robinson reveal ways to get inside the minds of biblical characters, shift the camera angles on familiar scenes of Scripture, and present a first-person expository message that will capture the attention of contemporary ...
Filled with practical advice, this book equips pastors to deliver biblically based, dramatically skillful sermons--without being a trained actor. If pastors become too predictable in the pulpit, effectiveness is lost.
Includes one copy each of The Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching (0310252482), Choosing to Preach (0310267501), Preaching Re-Imagined (0310263638), and Effective First Person Biblical Preaching (0310263093).
Haddon Robinson and Craig Brian Larson—two of today’s most respected voices in preaching—provide editorial oversight. Includes audio CD with preaching technique examples from the book.
When recounting a story there are places where you will want to accelerate pace and other places where, ... 39 David L. Larsen, Telling the Old, Old Story: The Art of Narrative Preaching (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1995), 103.
Edwards fears the same thing happens today when preachers offer Scriptural truth to listeners without being completely overwhelmed by its greatness themselves in the process. Deep Preaching is his call to "rethink" preaching.
39 Robinson, “How Can I Speak So An Audience Will Listen?” 40 Litfin, Public Speaking, 247. 41 Robinson, “Speaking from a Listener's Point of View.” 42 Willhite, “A Sneak Peek at the Point,” 19, 20. 43 Rick Warren, “Preaching for Life ...
First an old one often reprinted is Ruth Sawyer, The Way of the Storyteller (new York: Viking, 1942). note also Jack ... See J. Kent edwards, Effective First-Person Biblical Preaching: The Steps from Text to Narrative Sermon (grand ...
If, for example, you have a significant number of women in your pews, then make sure they are proportionally represented in your feedback ... It will be easier for you to speak to the diversity of your audience if you listen to them.
This book equips you with a variety of tools for your preaching tool kit. A CD-ROM with additional helpful resources is included, as well as discussion questions and practical exercises.