Finally - a curriculum that realistically deals with the sexual pressures facing high-school students today. Teaching the Truth About Sex provides a complete, 12-session course that will give your kids the skills they need to make right decisions in a wrong-thinking world. All 12 sessions have been crafted to be thorough yet flexible, stuffed full of creative ideas for getting your kids involved as they learn. You can use them as them as they are or tailor them to fit your own program. In fact, Teaching the Truth About Sex has so many resources packed into each session that you can easily adjust the direction of your program to fit the particular issues and struggles your kids face. And the Leader's Guide helps you to prepare the sessions and to recognize and deal with the risks in teaching sex education, and even provides tips on how to include parents in the program. Teaching the Truth About Sex is so flexible, you can use it in all kinds of settings, including: youth-group meetings, Christian-school curriculum, Sunday school, camps and retreats. Whether you're a veteran youth worker or just starting out, Teaching the Truth About Sex is an indispensable addition to your youth-ministry resource library. - from back cover.
At the end of the summer , Todd's parents rather abruptly told him that he was going away to a prep school — and Todd was gone . In January of the next year , I received a phone call from Char , whom I had not seen for some time .
O n - 1 0 O 0 0 O O 0 Ο Ρ Τ Ι Ο Ν S 10 N I W 0 JR.HIGH & HIGH SCHOOL SIXTH GRADE PLANNING CHECKLIST COMBINED Step 1 Have your junior highers and high schoolers form teams to compete against each other in a spelling bee .
Invite resident camp staff members to come to your church to make an announcement , show slides or a video , or answer questions . 6. Set up a table , manned by your staff or the kids , with camp promotional material . 7.
Good Times
Say : Each group has a portion of a prayer that Solomon offered . This prayer is filled with descriptions of God . Read your assigned passage , and write a short psalm ( song , verse , or poem ) of praise that declares at least one of ...
Dean R. Hoge and David A. Roozen, "Some Sociological Conclusions About Church Trends," in D. R. Hoge and D. A. Roozen, eds., Understanding Church Growth and Decline, 1950-1978 (New York: Pilgrim Press, 1979), pp. 315-333.
Common Formation Goals for Ministry: Rooted in the Competency-based Certification Standards of the National Association for Lay Ministry, National Conference...
Faith is learned in a social context: mainly spontaneously in daily life but also in an organized youth ministry context. At the same time, we can see that ... 169 Bailey, "Enacted Faith, Youth Ministry and Theological Shorthand," 5.
Young Women Leadership Ideas
As teenagers read Devour, theyll learn how to seek the intended meaning of biblical passages, how to conduct their own word studies, how to research the history and background of the Bible, and how to apply the truths they uncover along the ...