Fully grasp how every part of Scripture fits together to point to and reveal the glory of Christ Jesus. From beginning to end, the Bible reveals the glory of Jesus. But for many Bible readers, it doesn't seem that simple. We're often unsure how the Bible's many stories, characters, events relate together and connect to Jesus. Some are tempted to force the pieces of the Bible together, making superficial jumps to him. Others give up trying to understand the Bible altogether. Christ from Beginning to End is written to help Christians understand just how the different stories and parts of Scripture fits together to reveal the glory of Christ Jesus. In Part 1, Wellum and Hunter reintroduce us to the Bible—what it is, how it comes to us, and what it's centrally about. Then, in Part 2, they walk from one side of the Bible's story to the other, carefully tracing its storyline from Genesis to Revelation. As readers see how our triune God's plan unfolds through his covenants, they will be equipped for a lifetime of seeing Christ's glory in Scripture. From this book, you'll learn how to: Read the Bible according to the three biblical contexts: the immediate context, the context of the unfolding story, and the context of the whole story centered in Christ. Recognize how different parts of the Bible connect together as part of a unified story. Embrace the story of the Bible as our own, to live this story out, and to share this story with our neighbors and the nations. You will also see the Bible's multi-layered story and how it is held together by the one plan of God to glorify himself in salvation. You'll come away with a greater awareness of our need as sinners, of the triune God in all of his grace, and of Jesus as the incarnate Son in all of his glory.
Christ from Beginning to End is written to help Christians understand better how every part of Scripture fits together to reveal the glory of Christ Jesus our Lord, carefully tracing out the Bible's storyline from Genesis to Revelation.
He specifically centers on the first and last chapters of each book, noting how the texts illustrate “the wisdom of God in the sufferings of our Savior.” Pastors, church leaders, and students of Scripture will find this thoughtful ...
The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions.
Acts is the sequel to Luke's gospel and tells the story of Jesus's followers during the 30 years after his death.
The Great Controversy
If we want to look to the end of times as a source of comfort and not chaos ... Then this is the book we need. New York Times best-selling author Max Lucado walks us through Scripture to find peace in the present and hope for the hereafter.
It is sure to appeal to Pagels's committed readers and bring her a whole new audience who want to understand the roots of dissent, violence, and division in the world's religions, and to appreciate the lasting appeal of this extraordinary ...
The earliest of the four Gospels, the book portrays Jesus as an enigmatic figure, struggling with enemies, his inner and external demons, and with his devoted but disconcerted disciples.
This book will be required reading in my classes." --D. Allen Tennison, College of Church Leadership, North Central University "What if Christ were all in all? What if Jesus truly were our beginning and end?
For those who read this book, it is an open and shut case: The Game of Life will end 2,000 years from the year of Christ's death on the cross - AD 2028.