Argues that the Bible predicts that a Middle East crisis will precede the final battle of Armageddon and the second coming of Christ
Graebner , Theodore . War in the Light of Prophecy . St. Louis , MO : Concordia , 1941 . Gray , James M. Satan and the Saint . New York : Revell , 1909 . Langton , Edward . Essentials of Demonology . London : Epworth , 1949 .
Most people's concept of the 'end of the world' comes from the book of Revelation.
our Dark Lord , he who was cast from the heavens to • make way for the usurper ? " Stone replied in monotone , “ I do believe . ” The Guardian had floated back to the altar , gesturing over the old crucifix . Now , he took the cross and ...
Verklaring van de oliecrisis en het Midden Oosten-conflict vanuit bijbels perspectief.
Armageddon, Oil and the Middle East Crisis
På väg mot Harmagedon
Austrian Hapsburg dynasty , Napoleon , and Kaiser ( the German equivalent of Caesar ) Wilhelm . Adolf Hitler proclaimed that he would consolidate all of Europe , and that his empire would last for 1,000 years . He too was crushed .
Armageddon and the International Sunday Law
And the King of Salem was the one who received one tenth of everything from Abraham . A prophetic gesture if ever there was one - see [ 43 ] . So the King of Righteousness was Jared , and the King of Peace , well , this must be a ...
Fourteen-year-old Marina and sixteen-year-old Jed accompany their parents' religious cult, the Believers, to await the end of the world atop a remote mountain, where they try to decide what they themselves believe.