You can serve God and his people for a lifetime and do it with passion and joy. You do not have to become another casualty in the growing number of leaders who have compromised their integrity, character, and ministry because they failed to lead an examined and accountable life. The road forward is clearly marked. Leaders must make a decision to humbly and consistently examine their inner lives and identify areas of needed change and growth. Also, wise leaders commit to listen to the voices of those who will love them enough to speak the truth and point out problems and potential pitfalls. Kevin Harney writes, “The vision of this book is to assist leaders as they discover the health, wisdom, and joy of living an examined life. It is also to give practical tools for self-examination.” Sharing stories and wisdom from his years in ministry, Harney shows you how to maintain the most powerful tool in your leadership toolbox: YOU. Your heart, so you can love well. Your mind, so you can continue to learn and grow. Your ears, your eyes, your mouth ... consider this your essential guide to conducting your own complete interior health exam, so you can spot and fix any problems, preserve the things that matter most, and grow as a source of vision, strength, and hope to others.
Sincere gratitude to Paul Riley, Gary Burnison, Ana Dutra Gary Hourihan, Bob Eichinger, Dee Gaeddert, Ken Brousseau, Addy Chulef, Jack McPhail, Francisco Moreno, Marc Swaels, Joachim Kappel, Don Spetner, Tim Dorman, Marti Smye Mike ...
Leadership from the Inside Out guides you through a reflective journey to grow as a whole person in order to grow as a whole leader.
While many leadership books today focus on how to lead organizations, this book is about how to lead communities.
Reading this book is a start.” —Jeffrey Immelt, CEO, General Electric “The subject of corporate governance is daunting, covering a sometimes bewildering array of complex legal, ethical, and financial issues.
They take you into the heart of greater fulfillment, performance, and leadership.Whereas many leadership development books focus on a series of "quick fix" techniques, this book begins and ends with understanding and cultivating yourself.
It's more than money and power. If you are a leader, God made you a leader. Leadership from the Inside Out reveals that God alone appoints leaders and that divine appointment is the single greatest factor determining a leader's success.
By embracing the concepts and developing the eleven leadership practices discussed in this book, you will begin to function as a leader by taking charge of your life and all that it encompasses.
This book defines one of the latest methods used by human resource managers and team leaders.
Lead yourself to success—and others are sure to follow “For leaders looking for a plan of ‘Why, What, and How’ to become a better leader, the answer is between the covers of this book.” —Chester Elton, New York Times bestselling ...
The book introduces the concept of the 5th Space—a space that goes beyond the commonly used terms of volunteerism and Active Citizenship and focuses on three critical aspects of youth development: understanding the Self, building ...