THE VOICE OF GOD IS A HEARTBEAT AWAYIn Fearfully & Wonderfully Made, Philip Yancey and Dr. Paul Brand revealed how God’s voice is encoded in the very structure of our bodies. In His Image takes up where its predecessor left off, beckoning us once again inward and onward to fresh exploration and discovery.Yancey and Brand show how accurately and intricately the human body portrays the Body of Christ. In five sections—Image, Blood, Head, Spirit, and Pain—the acclaimed surgeon and the award-winning writer unlock the remarkable, living lessons contained in our physical makeup. This Gold Medallion Award-winning book will open your eyes to the complex miracle of the human body, and the even more compelling spiritual truths that it reflects.
Moore's goal was clearly not just to force a vote to restore General Brooks to power , but to so humiliate Christopher that he would not be able to maintain his position as Europe's Alternate to the Security Council .
In the 15th Anniversary Edition, Lash doubles down on his original argument against redemptive ideology and authoritarian deceit.
Hoekema discusses the implications of this theme, devoting several chapters to the biblical teaching on God's image, the teaching of philosophers and theologians through the ages, and his own theological analysis.
This book simply helps us follow those initial promptings of the Holy Spirit, so that we may more intentionally encounter Jesus anew each day and be more disposed to his grace changing us ever more into his likeness.
For Job it is just the opposite : First text ( 14 : 1-6 ) : “ Man that is born of a woman is of few days , and full of trouble . He comes forth like a flower , and withers ; he flees like a shadow , and continues not .
In His Image, But ...: Racism in Southern Religion, 1780-1910
This book is designed to help us look deeply into the sanctification process, particularly for those who have been in bondage to substances and behaviors that have shadowed them for many years.
For two thousand years, Christians have been intrigued by the somewhat enigmatic Imago Dei references in the book of Genesis.
This powerful, colorful book addresses the topic of body image from a Christian perspective, to help children understand their feelings, provide information about the topic, and offer extensive, practical strategies to parents.
This revised edition includes new recommended resources throughout, more recent examples of subjects discussed, and updated wording to better reflect our postmodern context.