Profiles the Czechoslovak president who led the dissident movement to success over Communist control
The book is full of anecdotes of his interactions with world figures: offering a peace pipe to Mikhail Gorbachev, meditating with the Dali Lama, confessing to Pope John Paul II and partying with Bill and Hilary Clinton.
A biography of Vaclav Havel, the dissident Czechoslovak playwright who spent years fighting for freedom of expression and eventually was elected president of a free and independent Czechoslovak republic.
To make matters worse, Keane has Havel coming back to Prague 'in time for the address to the Fourth Czechoslovak Writers' Congress'.199 Even with the best of wills, this was hardly possible. The Congress took place a year earlier.
Chancellor Rieger is leaving office. But does leaving office necessarily mean that he, his mistress and his extended family have to leave the state villa, which has been their home for years?
A collection of critical essays on a Czech playwright and president, showing him from various perspectives. Contributions range from political analyses and historical assessments to linguistic interpretations, tributes, and personal...
Vaclav Havel: The Authorized Biography
Gathered together here for the first time are seven plays that span Havel's career from his early days at the Theater of the Balustrade through the Prague Spring, Charter 77, and the repeated imprisonments that made Havel's name into a ...
Collects the conversations between the former president of the Czech Republic and the editor in chief of the largest daily newspaper in Poland, beginning in the 1970s and continuing as they lived through a tumultuous era in Central Europe.
In Reading Václav Havel, David S. Danaher approaches Havel's remarkable body of work holistically, focusing on the language, images, and ideas which appear and reappear in the many genres in which Havel wrote.
Václav Havel, Or, Living in Truth: Twenty-two Essays Published on the Occasion of the Award of the Erasmus Prize to...