Imagines Jackson Pollock at work during the creation of one of his paint-swirled and splattered canvasses.
This lively portrait of abstract artist Jackson Pollack, nicknamed Action Jackson for his kinetic style, recounts a two-month period during which the artist created Number 1, 1950, (Lavender Mist).
... motivational quotes and they are a brilliant way to remind your students every day that they are amazing. Here are some quotes you can share with your class to empower them. Display the quotes around your classroom, share them in assembly.
In Winchester , Jackson became close friends with the family of the Reverend James Graham and stayed in their home when he was in town . The Grahams ' home was just the sort of domestic situation that Jackson reveled in : one filled ...
Ever since high school, Butch Jackson loved working on cars.
This is the must-have guide for all teachers looking to play their part in developing a generation that is happy, healthy and successful.
Remember success is not by magic, it's by work! There are 4 levels of actions we take: We Doubt We Dabble We Do We Dominate This book is divided into 4 parts: Part 1 - How it all got started!
An award-winning journalist takes a look at extraordinary canines, presenting real stories from the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, along with historical and scientific facts and dramatic photos in color ...
This is a Children's book based on Action Jackson and his friends. Together they travel very far, by car, boat and train. Without their friends they can not travel as far.
In this dynamic collection of poems, Drew Jackson explores the first eight chapters of Luke's Gospel. These are declarative poems, faithfully proclaiming the gospel story in all its liberative power.
"Selected sermons and speeches by Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., one of the foremost champions of civil rights--a moral conscience of this nation"--