The American Promise, Value Edition is the perfect choice for instructors looking for a low-priced, high quality text. Retaining the complete narrative of the Fourth Edition, this trade-sized black-and-white edition engages students by revealing history through the eyes of the people who lived it. Enriched with the voices of hundreds of Americans, the Value Edition offers students a memorable narrative at a price they can afford.
Available for free when packaged with the print book, the popular digital assignment and assessment options for this text bring skill building and assessment to a more highly effective level.
Over 775 contemporaneous illustrations - more than any competing text - draw students into the text, and more than 180 full - color maps increase students' geographic literacy.
LaunchPad comes with a wealth of primary sources and special critical thinking activities to help students progress toward achieving learning outcomes; LearningCurve, the adaptive learning tool that students love to use to test their ...
With five carefully selected documents per chapter, this two-volume primary source reader presents a wide range of documents representing political, social, and cultural history in a manageable, accessible way.
The American Promise 4th Ed Vol 2 Value Edition + Going to the Source 2nd Ed
Available for free when packaged with the print book, the popular digital assignment and assessment options for this text bring skill building and assessment to a more highly effective level.
LaunchPad comes with a wealth of primary sources and special critical thinking activities to help students progress toward achieving learning outcomes; LearningCurve, the adaptive learning tool that students love to use to test their ...
The American Promise, Value Edition, has long been a favorite with students who value the text's readability, clear chronology, and lively voices of ordinary Americans, all in a portable...
LaunchPad comes with a wealth of primary sources and special critical thinking activities to help students progress toward achieving learning outcomes; LearningCurve, the adaptive learning tool that students love to use to test their ...
The sixth edition introduces a breakthrough in teaching and learning through the addition of LaunchPad, which combines carefully-curated new assignments and assessments integrated with the full-length parent text e-bookâthe same narrative ...