You can have it all! A mid-sized alternative, The American Promise: A Compact History is the perfect compromise for instructors who want all the features of a full-length text in an affordable format. Condensed by the authors to deliver the latest scholarship in an engaging, flexible format, the fourth edition includes a lavish visual and special features program, study tools that rival any survey text, and a memorable narrative enlivened by the voices of hundreds of Americans.
Condensed by the authors to deliver the latest scholarship in an engaging, flexible format, the fourth edition includes a lavish visual and special features program, study tools that rival any survey text, and a memorable narrative ...
Streamlined by the authors themselves to create a truly concise book, the fifth edition is nearly 15 percent shorter than the fourth compact edition, yet it includes more primary sources than ever—including a new visual sources feature.
The unique combination of narrative, visuals, features and study tools in this mid-sized book is offered at a price thirty percent lower than that of its full-length parent text, making the compact edition just the right choice for many ...
Condensed by the authors to deliver the latest scholarship in an engaging, flexible format, the fourth edition includes a lavish visual and special features program, study tools that rival any survey text, and a memorable narrative ...
The American Promise: A Compact History combines a dynamic narrative, stunning visuals, and abundant help for students in a unique mid-sized format that makes this text easier to teach, read, and study than any other book on the market.
Available for free when packaged with the print book, the popular digital assignment and assessment options for this text bring skill building and assessment to a more highly effective level.
LaunchPad comes with a wealth of primary sources and special critical thinking activities to help students progress toward learning outcomes; LearningCurve, the adaptive learning tool that students love to use to cement their understanding ...
LaunchPad comes with a wealth of primary sources and special critical thinking activities to help students progress toward achieving learning outcomes; LearningCurve, the adaptive learning tool that students love to use to test their ...
The Second Compact Edition of The American Promise: A History of the United States offers a fresh alternative: a unique mid-sized book that pairs the color, pedagogy, and features of a full-length text with a briefer narrative at a lower ...
The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) presents an online supplement to the PBS documentary series entitled "The American Promise." The series explores the American democratic system. PBS offers lesson plans, a...