A Speaker’s Guidebook is the best resource in the classroom, on the job, and in the community. Praised for connecting with students who use and keep it year after year, this tabbed, comb-bound text covers all the topics typically taught in the introductory course and is the easiest-to-use public speaking text available. In every edition, hundreds of instructors have helped us focus on the fundamental challenges of the public speaking classroom. Improving on this tradition, the fifth edition does even more to address these challenges with stronger coverage of overcoming speech anxiety, organizing and outlining, and more. And as the realties of public speaking change, so does A Speaker’s Guidebook; the new edition also focuses on presentational speaking in a digital world — from finding credible sources online to delivering presentations in a variety of mediated formats. Read the preface.
Print and digital tools converge in this edition to help students with every aspect of the speech building process. A new, gorgeous collection of speech videos, accompanied by questions, model speech techniques.
A Speaker’s Guidebook with The Essential Guide to Rhetoric includes a full tabbed section that provides brief yet comprehensive coverage of rhetorical theory — from the classical to the contemporary — and its practical applications.
Print and digital tools converge in this edition to help students with every aspect of the speech building process A new, gorgeous collection of speech videos, accompanied by questions, model speech techniques while the adaptive quizzing ...
A Speakers Guidebook 3e and Video Theater a Speaker's Guidebook 2.0
A Speaker’s Guidebook with The Essential Guide to Rhetoric includes a full tabbed section that provides brief yet comprehensive coverage of rhetorical theory — from the classical to the contemporary — and its practical applications.
Exercises to Accompany A Speaker's Guidebook: Text and Reference
Joe Wilson [R-SC] did during President Barack Obama's 2009 State of the Union speech), or may smile and nod. Feedback from the audience often indicates whether a speaker's message has been understood, or, in the case of Congressman ...
A Speaker's Guidebook 4th Ed + E-book
Outlining and Organizing Your Speech: A Speaker's Guidebook: Text and Reference
This best-selling brief introduction to public speaking offers practical coverage of every topic typically covered in a full-sized text, from invention, research and organization, practice and delivery, to the different speech types.