Because so many first-year writing students lack the basic skills the course demands, reading specialist McWhorter gives them steady guidance through the challenges they face in academic work. Successful College Writing offers extensive instruction in active and critical reading, practical advice on study and college survival skills, step-by-step strategies for writing and research, detailed coverage of the nine rhetorical patterns of development, and 61 readings that provide strong rhetorical models, as well as an easy-to-use handbook in the complete edition. McWhorter’s unique visual approach to learning uses graphic organizers, revision flowcharts, and other visual tools to help students analyze texts and write their own essays. Her unique attention to varieties of learning styles also helps empower students, allowing them to identify their strengths and learning preferences. Read the preface.
The third edition provides even more help in the areas where students need it most and a stronger emphasis on assessment and self-evaluation.
The sixth edition of Successful College Writing builds on its beloved, proven visual tools, such as graphic organizers, flowcharts, and new graphic Guided Writing Assignments, with engaging professional, multimedia, and student readings in ...
The new edition is enhanced by LaunchPad for Successful College Writing, an online course space of pre-built units featuring adaptive LearningCurve activities that help students hone their understanding of reading and writing.
THIS TITLE HAS BEEN UPDATED TO REFLECT THE 2016 MLA UPDATES! Our editorial team has updated this text based on content from The MLA Handbook, 8th Edition.
The sixth edition of Successful College Writing builds on its beloved, proven visual tools, such as graphic organizers, flowcharts, and new graphic Guided Writing Assignments, with engaging professional, multimedia, and student readings in ...
Successful College Writing / I-Cite
Successful College Writing meets students where they are, offering extensive instruction in careful and critical reading, practical advice on study and college survival skills, step-by-step strategies for writing and research, detailed ...
Successful College Writing: Skills, Strategies, Learning Styles / 2009 Mla Update
Successful College Writing
180–201), reading and revising a draft critically • Guided Writing Assignments in the chapters in Parts 3 and 4, ... 728–35) • Portfolio Keeping, Second Edition, portfolio keeping as a reflection of the writing processes (additional ...