A final installment of the best-selling Civil War series by the co-authors of Grant Comes East traces the events surrounding the pivotal battle of August 1863, during which Lee and Grant both cross the Susquehanna and make decisions that culminate in the war's outcome. Reprint.
"...Tells the story of two turning points which made the Civil War the most tragic and yet the most important in America's history."--Back cover.
This must be the “final” battle for both sides. In Never Call Retreat, Newt Gingrich and William Forstchen bring all of their critically acclaimed talents to bear in what is destined to become an immediate classic.
Gettysburg, the series' first installment, opens in 1863 as General Robert E. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia are poised to attack the North and claim the victory that could end the brutal conflict.
The chronicles of the war from the battle of Fredericksburg through the assassination of President Lincoln and the tenuous beginnings of Reconstruction.
The Coming Fury
Grant Comes East, the second book in the bestselling series by Newt Gingrich and William R. Forstchen, continues the story of a Confederate victory at Gettysburg.
Torn from the Civil War and marooned on a hostile planet, Andrew Keane's Union regiment faces its ultimate contest, risking slavery by taking on both sides of the Bantag army, in a continuation of the military science-fiction series.
Portrays an alternate world in which Hitler has not made his fatal error in prematurely declaring war on the United States and America is the only significant miliary presence against a triumphant Third Reich and its devastating weapons. ...
The second episode in this award-winning trilogy impressively shows how the Union and Confederacy, slowly and inexorably, reconciled themselves to an all-out war--an epic struggle for freedom.
The forward line of the advance—the brigades of Kelly, Cross, Zook, and Brooke on the left; men of the old solid Second Corps, including McDougall; and Ruger of the Twelfth Corps on the right—were halfway down the slope.