Suffering is a fact of human existence. In his interdisciplinary investigation of the causes, types, value, and outcome of human suffering, Adrian C. Moulyn has discovered a purpose in it. In The Meaning of Suffering Moulyn presents his thesis, (Suffering) heals the blemishes and the fractures in our problem ridden existence, in light of the binary nature of human temporo-spacial structure. Moulyn analyzes the source of suffering as a combination of the arbitrary nature of life itself (no one actually chooses to be born), and the dichotomy of the world as we see it (objectively) and the world as we want it (subjectively). While the melancholy of being thrown-into the world lays the groundwork, the discrepancy between desires and wants and the degree to which they are satisfied becomes a source of suffering. The value of suffering is in its healing powers. Suffering helps close the gap between what we desire and what we obtain. The outcome of constructive suffering is an increased ability to deal with the inherent contradictions of life, an enhanced awareness of the truly necessary and desirable, and a stronger, more secure conquest of happiness when it is achieved. Moulyn's thesis is an intriguing and optimistic analysis of human experience, and will be an asset to philosophy collections.
本书以20世纪的心灵导师和成功学大师戴尔·卡耐基的妙语金言为基础,结合诸多典型的生活案例,阐述高效、实用的情绪管理技巧与意志训练方法,旨在引导读者掌握改变命运的超 ...
★★英國亞馬遜4.7顆星評價★★ 獻給憂鬱症患者和承受心理疾苦的人 當覺得人生沒有希望、快撐不下去時 這些書信的隻字片語像黑暗中的一盞小燈 ...
In Religion and Rational Theology, edited by Allen W. Wood et al., 233–328. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. ———. Critique of Pure Reason. Translated by N. K. Smith. 2nd edition. London: MacMillan, 1933. ———.
「相互連結多過它能維持」( interconnections than it could maintain ) : Sterling & Laughlin 2015; Balasubramanisn 2015.註132:「只有很少數」(Only a small fraction):在下圖中,箭頭並不打算暗示預測是從單一神經元被帶到V1。關於這個例子的更多細節 ...
(美)约翰·辛德莱尔著, 高宝萍译 ... 与卡耐基双峰并峙的励志大师罗伯特·科利尔也同样有一本著作值得一提——《觉醒:活出全新的自己》。 ... 因此,他研究成功学比后者更早,后来所谓的成功学大师包括戴尔·卡耐基、拿破仑·希尔等都深受其影响。
緩解壓力的有效方法一九八◯年代,利貝斯金德(J. Liebeskind)與沙維特(Y. Shavit)在加州大學洛杉磯分校所進行的研究,進一步釐清壓力、免疫系統及癌症之間的關係,研究結果顯示,間歇性壓力會影響腦內啡(有「大腦鴉片」之稱)的釋出。當人體免疫反應良好時會釋 ...
★ 「善用情緒」為人生利器 ★ ★ 精彩TED 演講影片超過1,700,000 點閱人次 ★ ★ 人人都能做到的90秒更新練習 ★ ...
不知道从什么时候起,开始流传出一句话:美女都是狠角色,这和传统的观念出入很大,传统观念里,大多说女人的容貌和智商成反比,越美貌越愚蠢,美其名曰:上天是公平的,给 ...
卡内基·梅隆大学的谢尔顿·科恩(Sheldon Cohen)进行的研究表明那些情绪被描述为活泼、积极、幸福、快乐、放松或冷静而不是哀伤、抑郁、紧张或敌意的人在面对感冒病毒时更不容易感冒。他们不仅更不容易.
米夫林.哈考特(Houghton Mifflin Harcour)出版社的所有人。感謝布萊恩.羅素(Bryan Russell)。感謝現場試驗電影公司(Field Test Film Corps)、鮑伯.⻄姆斯(Bob Sims)、愛德華.伍茲(Edward Woods)、麗莎.肯尼(Lisa Kenney)、布里吉德.