William Billings (1746-1800) was the most important native-born composer of the American colonial and Federal eras. He wrote hundreds of choral compositions, which were set to sacred or devotional texts for use by church choirs, singing schools, and musical societies. Extremely popular in his own time, Billings's music was denigrated during the nineteenth century when European styles governed American musical tastes. In the twentieth century his genius was recognized, and his music is widely sung and studied. Originally published in six tunebooks, the 338 extant pieces were issued in a scholarly edition by the American Musicological Society and The Colonial Society of Massachusetts as The Complete Works of William Billings (4 vols., 1977-1990). The present catalog complements the Complete Works by serving as a guide to its contents and providing a wealth of additional data.
Included for each composition are exact title; text source; first line; technical information on length, meter, key, and melody; manuscript sources and contemporaneous reprints; bibliography and modern recordings. An extensive list of works cited is followed by five indexes providing access to the material in the catalog by first line of text, Billings's anthem titles, text sources, musical form (tune types), and musical incipits. The catalog provides for Billings's music information similar to that found in Schmeider's listings for Bach and Koechel's listings for Mozart.
The fuging-tune has long been associated with American music. Indeed, it was once thought to have been an American innovation, but research has shown that, like much else in 18th-century...
For the invitation to deliver these lectures as Ernest Bloch Professor at the University of California at Berkeley I have the Berkeley Music Department to thank. Bonnie C. Wade was Department Chair during my visit, and she could not ...
For more information on Moravian singing practices, see Sarah Eyerly, Moravian Soundscapes: A Sonic History of the Moravian Missions in Early Pennsylvania (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2020), ...
David P. McKay and Richard Crawford , William Billings of Boston ( Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press , 1975 ) , 166-176 ; Henry M. Brooks , Olden - Time Music ( Boston : Ticknor , 1888 ; reprint , New York ...
approximately two years of life left by the time Purcell arrived. One year after Valton's death, Yarnold returned from England and resumed his old position at St. Michael's. But his tenure too was brief; he died in June 1787.78 Neither ...
... Eric, 222 Friedland, Bea, 353 Friedson, Steven M., 132 Friedwald, Will, 77 Frierson-Campbell, Carol, 172 Friese-Greene, ... 355 Gibbs, Christopher H., 183, 296 Gibson, Gerald D., 384 Gibson, Kirsten, 108 Gibson, Lorna, 105 Gibson, ...
See Chase , America's Music , 112–28 . 29. See Karl Kroeger , Catalogue of the Musical Works of William Billings ( New York : Greenwood Press , 1991 ) ; The Complete Works of William Billings , ed . Karl Kroeger , 4 vols .
Princeton, N. J.; Princeton University Press 1975. Barbour, James Murray. The Church Music of William Billings. 1st ed. 1960. New York: Da Capo Press, 1972. Kroeger, Karl. Catalog of the Musical Works of William Billings.
Hettinger, Sharon L. American Organ Music of the Twentieth Century: An Annotated Bibliography of Composers. Warren, Mich.: Harmonie Park Press, 1997. Hsieh, Fang-Lan. An Annotated Bibliography of Church Music.
Covers the music of the classical period from about 1730 to 1800.