This examination of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) traces the American origins of the belief that the citizens of a democracy have a natural right to know about the workings of their government. The issue began in the colonies and came to a head in the 1950s when escalating government secrecy led the press to demand open government. Declaring that the public business is the public's business, a series of crusading newspaper editors aroused public support for the Freedom of Information Act which was passed in 1966.
The book features in-depth interviews with the architects of the FOIA, the FOIA staff in the major federal agencies, and the most prominent FOIA users throughout the country. The concluding chapter examines current impediments to the full realization of the people's right to know.
中国共产党在西柏坡时期的伟大革命实践,孕育产生了丰富而珍贵的革命文物,西柏坡纪念馆对馆藏文物进行了梳理和甄选,整理成册,内容以中国共产党革命家们西柏坡时期所用物 ...
本书一共收集了西柏坡时期近百位革命者的口述。可以说,每一个人的经历,都称得上是一部经典教材。他们一部分人是曾经在领袖身边工作的老同志,回忆了西柏坡时期中共中央领 ...
在全面推进从严治党的新形势下,西柏坡纪念馆紧紧围绕中央关于加强作风建设的系列指示精神,按照省、市委统一安排部署,把作风建设做为全馆工作的重中之重,常抓不怠,先后 ...
Finally , shortly after the disaster , UC claimed that they believed the leak may have been caused by the deliberate sabotage of a disgruntled employee ( Bogard , 1989 : 3—4 ) . Bogard's investigation of the Bhopal disaster considers ...
Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion Arthur D. Hellman, William D. Araiza, Thomas E. Baker ... Douglas, Burton, Clark, Harlan, Brennan, Whittaker Warren, Black, Frankfurter, Douglas, Clark, Harlan, Brennan, Whittaker, ...
Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law
本書是網路教育系列規劃教材,內容全面、簡潔、系統,注重理論與實踐相結合。主要介紹知識產權法相關內容,包括著作權法律制度、專利權法律制度、商標權法律制度、商標與地 ...