Gustave Flaubert is probably the most famous novelist of nineteenth-century France, and his best known work, Madame Bovary, is read in numerous comparative literature and French courses. His fiction set the standard to which other authors turned to learn their craft, and his cult of art and his unrelenting search for stylistic perfection inspired many later writers. This reference is a convenient guide to his life and work. Included are hundreds of alphabetically arranged entries for individual works, major characters, historical persons, themes, critical approaches, and other topics. Each entry is written by an expert contributor and most close with a brief bibliography.
The result is a compelling piece of literary detective-work and a human story sensitively and movingly told. Lavishly illustrated, this is a book which will appeal both to the serious scholar and the general reader.
Marcel Proust Selected Letters
Emile Zola
Cher ami ... Votre Marcel Proust: Marcel Proust im Spiegel seiner Korrespondenz ; Briefe und Autographen aus der Bibliotheca Proustiana...
Du côté de Marcel Proust: suivi de lettres inédites de Marcel Proust à Benjamin Crémieux
Marcel Proust, Selected Letters: 1880-1903
In 1904, while still working on his translations of Ruskin, Marcel Proust wrote to Maurice Barrès I still have two Ruskin's to do, and after that I shall try to...
This magisterial biography of the strangely private and unknown man is also a superb history of social and literary France in the late 19th century and of the political and intellectual world through which Zola travelled.
' Anthony Powell. 'Brilliant and scholarly. . . . Mr Painter's greatest triumph is in his depiction of place and people, his revelation of the raw material of the novel. ' Angus Wilson.
Mr. Steegmuller's incisive foreword provides additional historical perspective, and reinforces the observation by Alphonse Jacobs, the editor of the original French edition, that this is indeed "the finest correspondence of the past century ...