Explores a series of questions about the family and work lives of Italian and Jewish women who immigrated to New York City in the early 1900s.
Profiles ten women of Native American descent--both contemporary and historical--who challenged traditional stereotypes and fought discrimination in the United States and Canada.
Women of Courage
More than forty women tell their stories of bravery, writing about how they overcame despair and depression, using their inner strength to carry them through. Original. 25,000 first printing. Tour.
Long after I stopped clipping articles, I continued to seek out stories of women who seemed to be redefining what was possible. CHELSEA: This book is the continuation of a conversation the two of us have been having since I was little.
Women Courageous: Leading through the Labyrinth is a unique collection of stories of courage, integrated with scholarly analysis to deepen our understanding of courage - how it shows up, develops, and facilitates transformation.
A Woman of Courage Makes an Epic Journey Take a three-thousand mile journey with Amanda Pearson as she leaves the disgrace of a broken engagement and joins the work at a Quaker mission in the western wilds.
These stories reveal the way the world has always been made better — by individuals who courageously follow their heart’s inner wisdom.
In this revised collection, loving reflections provide wisdom and encouragement to help overcome anxiety, gain self-esteem, and improve relationships.
John Demos begins the book with a discussion of Native American women confronting colonization.
Women of Courage