Contains nearly two hundred alphabetically arranged entries that provide information on women's autobiography, covering selected authors from throughout history, major works, nationalities or ethnicities, and related issues, themes, and terms.
Contains nearly two hundred alphabetically arranged entries that provide information on women's autobiography, covering selected authors from throughout history, major works, nationalities or ethnicities, and related issues, themes, and ...
A unique, positive, and largely unremarked view of exercise and its place in women's lives, this book will resonate with and inspire many readers.
Women have had a complex experience in African American culture. The first work of its kind, this encyclopedia approaches African American literature from a Women's Studies perspective.
'With 604 full-scale biographical entries (and more than 450 photographs), the engagingly written 2,267-page work promises to become an invaluable school and library tool.' --People
Add to this list Kristi Koford, winemaker of Alderbrook Winery, who, after graduating from the University of California, Santa Cruz, tutored under Zelma Long at Robert Mondavi Winery (1974-1984), after which she assumed the top Sonoma ...
... as strategy, 67; for students, 142 digital borders, 135 displacement, 42–43, 48 documentaries, 144–46 domesticity, 110 Donkin, Karissa, 131 dreams, 30, 156–57 drought, 31 Dwellings: A Spiritual History of the Living World (Hogan), ...
Well over half the writers of British children's books in this period, and eight of the 13 winners of the Carnegie Medal presented between 1936 and 1950, were women — yet historically they seem to exist in a shadowy parallel universe.
The Message of the Trees; an Anthology of Leaves and Branches. Boston: Cornhill Company, 1918. Negro Musicians and Their Music. Washington, DC: Associated Publishers, 1936. Norris Wright Cuney: A Tribune of the Black People.
See Jacobs, Harriet Brewer, Lucy, 115-16 Bridgman, Richard, 198 Brontë, Anne, 76 Brontë, Charlotte, 28, 76 Brontë, Emily, 76 Brooks, Gwendolyn, 240 Brown, Claude, 28 Browne, Martha. See Griffiths, Mattie Browne, Thomas, 50 Browning, ...
In her later work , Toco la tierra : Letanias ( I Touch the Earth : Litanies ) , the poet frequently uses incremental ... Víspera de la vida [ Eve of Life ] ( 1953 ) . ... Reference Works : Espasa - Calpe Enciclopedia Universal , supp .