Encyclopedia of Women's Folklore and Folklife: M-Z

Encyclopedia of Women's Folklore and Folklife: M-Z
Greenwood Press
Pauline Greenhill, Liz Locke, Theresa A. Vaughan


From the Publisher: From the Stone Age to the cyber age, women and men have experienced the world differently. Out of a cosmos of goddesses and she-devils, earth mothers and Madonnas, witches and queens, saints and whores, a vast body of women's folklore has come into bloom. The beliefs and traditions central to womanhood have colored a vast tapestry of literary, artistic, spiritual, and cultural achievements. International in scope, this massive encyclopedia explores the folklore at the heart of women's lives around the world. More than 260 alphabetically arranged entries written by more than 130 expert contributors detail the world of women from girlhood to widowhood and everything in between. Topics covered include: Abortion; Banshee; Barbie Doll; Best Friend; Cinderella; Courtship; Cowgirl; Cyber culture; Erotic Folklore; Folk Photography; Glass Ceiling; Hair; Hip Hop Culture/Rap; Lesbian and Queer Studies; Marriage; Menstruation; Muslim Women's Folklore; Photocopy Lore; Quilt making; and many more. In addition, there are entries on women's folklore and folklife in 15 regions of the world, such as the Caribbean, Central Asia, the Middle East, and Western Europe. Entries provide cross-references and cite works for further reading, and the encyclopedia closes with a selected bibliography of print and electronic resources. Students learning about history, world cultures, religion and spirituality, healing and traditional medicine, and literature will welcome this companion to the daily life of women across time and continents. FEATURES AND BENEFITS: 4 substantial overview essays survey the present state of scholarship on women's folklore and folklife around the world. More than 260 alphabetically arranged entries written by more than 130 expert contributors discuss a wide range of topics related to women's folklore and folklife. An alphabetical list of entries provides easy access to the contents of the encyclopedia. A guide to related topics groups entries in broad categories to help readers find related terms. Entry bibliographies list works for further reading. A selected bibliography lists the most important general print and electronic resources on women's folklore and folklife.

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