Contains entries on collaborators Rodgers and Hammerstein, including stage, film, and television projects, theater playhouses, organizations, their two hundred thirty-one major songs, and other artists who worked with the two men.
Each entry includes Biographical material Important dates Career highlights Analysis of the composer’s musical style Complete list of movie credits This book brings recognition to the many men and women who have written music for movies ...
This musical starts with Marvin in therapy, bemoaning his predicament of being married (to Trina) with a son (Jason) and also wanting his male lover (Whizzer) to move in with him. Essentially he wants it all, and he asks his wife to go ...
Broadway Run: Majestic Theatre Opening: January 26, 1988 Closing: Still Running Composer: Andrew Lloyd Webber Lyricist: Charles Hart, ... based on French novelist Gaston Leroux's early twentiethcentury novel Le Fantome de l'Opera.
1955), a nondescript twenty-one-year-old obsessed with actress Jodie Foster; Charles Guiteau (1841–1882), a deluded political aspirant convinced he deserved to be named ambassador to France; Giuseppe Zangara (1900–1933), ...
The greats and near-greats are finally brought together in this essential reference guide to over 2,000 personalities, productions, and songs of the musical theatre in both New York and London from the late nineteenth century right up to ...
This book is designed for the college student who may be unacquainted with many plays and has seen a limited number of theatre productions.
OTHER ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD BOOKS BY THOMAS S. HISCHAK Boy Loses Girl: Broadway's Librettists The Encyclopedia of Film Composers Enter the Players: New York Actors in the Twentieth Century Enter the Playmakers: Directors and ...
OTHER ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD BOOKS BY THOMAS S. HISCHAK Boy Loses Girl: Broadway's Librettists The Disney Song Encyclopedia, with Mark A. Robinson The Encyclopedia of Film Composers Enter the Players: New York Actors in the Twentieth ...
DONAHUE, JACK Miss Information (19 1 5), followed by Miss 191 7 (191 7), She's a Good Fellow (1919), The Night Boat (1920), Good Morning, Dearie (1920), The Bunch andJudy (1922), Stepping Stones (1923), The City Chap (1925), ...
We Could Have Been the Wombles: The Weird and Wonderful World of One-Hit Wonders. London: Penguin. Covach, John. 2009. What's That Sound? An Introduction to Rock and Its History. New York: W. W. Norton.