This fascinating and timely book traces the emergence and evolution of cybercrime as an increasingly intransigent threat to society. * A chronology traces the emergence and evolution of cybercrime from the 1950s to the present * Detailed descriptions and analysis of real cybercrime cases illustrate what cybercrime is and how cybercriminals operate
E. EBay, 102, 104–105, 126. See also Online auction fraud ECPA (Electronics Communication PrivacyAct) of 1986,181,182,183–184 Education, of potential child pornography targets, 95 18 United States Code 110A (anti-stalking), ...
This book is also a comprehensive resource for postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students undertaking courses in social and technical studies.
... C. and Angel, J. (eds) (2003) Computer Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press. ... Rimm, M. (1995) 'Marketing pornography on the information superhighway: a survey of 917,410 images, descriptions, short stories, and animations ...
Canada eBay Canada Ltd v. MNR [2010] 1 FCR 145 482 Gagné v. R, 2011 QCCA 2157 313 Gross v. Wright [1923] 2 DLR 171 92 H.E.S. v. J.C.S. 175 NJ 309 (NJ. 2003) 450–451 Kochar v. University of Saskatchewan [1999] 3 WWR 531 126 Libman v.
This book is a comprehensive resource for everyone who encounters and investigates cybercrime, no matter their title, including those working on behalf of law enforcement, private organizations, regulatory agencies, or individual victims.
which would have a debilitating impact on the national security or economic or social welfare of a nation' (Dunn and Wigert, 2004:18). CI includes a range of material systems such as those used to provide communications (mail, ...
The program was designed to create profiles of the Internet use of every public person online using various pieces of data that could be surreptitiously collected (Gallagher, 2015). It began in earnest in 2009 through the use of ...
Knowing, building and living together on internet and social networks: The ConRed Cyberbullying Prevention Program. ... Retrieved from Reports/2014/Building-Capacity-to-Reduce-Bullying.aspx Slonje, R., & Smith P. K. (2008).
BSU professor Alexander Feldman discussed Max's computer ban in an interview and said Max had probed other computers . 10 The sheriff called BSU's network administrator at two in the morning : Interview with Greg Jahn , a former BSU ...
This book brings together leading criminologists from around the world to consider these questions and examine all facets of victimization, offending, offender networks, and policy responses.