Abridged version of West's federal taxation : individual income taxes and West's federal taxation : corporations, partnerships, estates, and trusts.
Abridged version of: West's federal taxation : individual income taxes, and West's federal taxation : corporations, partnerships, estates, and trusts.
[The book] is an abridged version of West's Federal Taxation: Individual Income Taxes and West's Federal Taxation: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts .
Martin S. Albert ( Social Security number 363–22–1141 ) is 35 years old and is married to Michele R. Albert ( Social Security number 259–05–8242 ) . The Alberts live at 512 Ferry Road , Newport News , VA 23100.
The 2004 Edition of West Federal Taxation: Corporations, Parternships, Estates and Trusts.
West Federal Taxation: Individual Income Taxes
This best-selling research text takes a practical, hands-on approach that goes beyond a random sampling of tax research sources. Fully updated, Federal Tax Research extensively covers computer-oriented research tools including...
The 2004 Edition of West Federal Taxation: Comprehensive Volume is no exception. With its comprehensive and accessible coverage, no other text is as effective at helping users master the ever-changing tax code and regulations.
WEST FEDERAL TAXATION: INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAXES, 2007 EDITION is accessible, comprehensive, and authoritative in its coverage of the Tax Code and regulations pertaining to the individual taxpayer.
West Federal Taxation: Individual Income Taxes