This text features comprehensive treatment of small group theory and discussion methods. It teaches practical communication skills with balance of theory, practice, and case studies. The 4th edition includes sections on focus groups, interpersonal communication in small groups, and group problem solving.
... see also Ernest G. Bormann and Nancy C. Bormann , Effective Small Group Communication , 2nd ed . ... J. G. Oetzel , “ Explaining Individual Communication Processes in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Groups Through Individualism ...
To provide students with flexibility, students can download the eText to a tablet using the free Pearson eText app. 0133815617 / 9780133815610 Communicating in Small Groups: Principles and Practices Plus MySearchLab with eText -- Access ...
Communicating in the Small Group: Theory and Practice
Conflict-handling behavior in work groups: Effects of group structure, decision processes, and time. Small Group Research, 29, 669–713. Filley, A. C. (1975). Interpersonal conflict resolution. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman & Co.
The influences and effects of small group computer-mediated communication (CMC) are discussed in Chapter 15. ... The Instructor's Manual/Test Bank and PowerPoint Slides are available to instructors at the book's webpage at
REVEL™ for Communicating in Small Groups: Principles and Practices balances the principles of small group communication with real-world applications.
Groups in Process: An Introduction to Small Group Communication
Theory and Application Arthur D. Jensen, Joseph C. Chilberg. 2 . 3 . P. 68 . ... Theodore W. Adorno , E. Frenkel - Brunswik , D. J. Levinson , and R. N. Sanford , The Authoritarian Personality ( New York : Harper & Row , 1950 ) . 13.
The text's approach, clear theoretical foundation, and applied nature are what make IN MIXED COMPANY, International Edition the best learning tool for the small group communication course.
This updated edition of Creating Effective Groups contains new sections on reducing speaking anxiety, increasing intercultural understanding - including the S.O.A.R. technique for intercultural awareness - and more.