Local Governing Power: General Aspects, Limitations, Resolution of Power Conflicts and Challenges; Formation of the Local Government, Alteration, Boundary Changes; Some Problems of Organization and Operation: Officers, Employees, Allocation and Delegation of Functions, Elections; Regulation of Conduct and the Use of Land: Acquisition, Limitations on Use and Disposition of Goods, Services and Property; Revenues; Considerations Pertinent to Citizen Litigation with Local Governments.
As a practical guidebook on local government law, this book provides a basic and empowering understanding for officials and private actors in the local government arena.
Purpose of a State Constitution; Rules of Construction; Rules Based on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evidence of Meaning; Choice of Rule; The Purpose and Role of Bills or Declarations of Rights;...
The Law of Local Government
"This edition continues the emphasis of prior editions on such topics as the relationship of local governments to state and federal governments; the needs of local governments for territory, for personnel, and for adequate financing; and ...
"This growth in municipal bond use stems from a number of causes. The state and local government sector of the U.S. economy has expanded significantly since World War II."--
"This edition continues the emphasis of prior editions on such topics as the relationship of local governments to state and federal governments; the needs of local governments for territory, for personnel, and for adequate financing; and ...
Hardbound - New, hardbound print book.
This Hornbook provides an overview of the operations and the interrelationships of the various levels of government in the United States, with emphasis on local units. The text first discusses...
This Edition contains new treatments of state constitutions and city charters, state-local preemption conflicts, state and local taxation, policing, and more pervasive attention to the interplay of state and local government law with racial ...
The legal issues facing city government change rapidly in the United States, and Cases and Materials on Local Government Law, Fourth Edition updates material throughout the book to reflect the...