Price , 783 F.2d 1132 , 19 Fed . R. Evid . ... agreed with the agent as to the price , and , after the sale had been arranged , assisted the purchaser in breaking the seal on the truck . ... State of N. C. , 484 F.2d 1 ( 4th Cir .
This looseleaf treatise covers the federal common law of testimonial and evidential privileges in the federal courts under Rule 501 of the Federal Rules of Evidence. The work discusses who...
R. Serv . 3d 1368 771 , 804 A.2d 889 ( 2002 ) —7 : 10 , ( 10th Cir . 1993 ) -1 : 63 , 2:18 7:23 Bowne of New York City , Inc. v . Berkley and Co. , Inc. , In re , 629 F.2d AmBase Corp. ... 2 : 6 , 2:18 Brennan v . Western Nat . Mut .
Testimonial Privileges: Cumulative supplement
In this volume, black-letter Rules of Professional Conduct are followed by numbered Comments that explain each Rule's purpose and provide suggestions for its practical application.
Focuses on the most important aspects of evidence law as it relates to criminal justice. This book covers various areas, such as the forms of evidence, the hearsay rule and...
Connecticut Code of Evidence
Co., 132 F.R.D. 1, 3 (D.D.C. 1990), .... 1100 United States v. White, 887 F.2d 267, 271 (D.C. Cir. 1989), 410 United States v. White, 950 F.2d 426, 430 (7th Cir. 1991), 133, 247, 1163, 1367 United States v. White, 970 F.2d 328, 334, ...
Regan, supra chap. 2, n. 11, at 90. Most importantly, the spousal privilege disadvantages victims of domestic abuse, especially in a post-Crawford landscape. See generally Cassidy, supra chap. 2, n. 41 (describing how Crawford v.
Featuring partners from law firms across the nation, these experts guide the reader through the common elements of a contract dispute and the skills required of an attorney to resolve the dispute successfully.