Instructor's Manual to Accompany Legal Research Exercises Following the Bluebook: a Uniform System of Citation: To Accompany Berring & Edinger's...
There are also review problems, appropriate for basic and advanced legal research classes. The new edition's questions/answers follow the 19th edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (2010).
Individual chapters include explanatory text with examples, a checklist summary of the text, and a citation exercise for practicing and reinforcing the rules covered in the chapter.
Legal Research Exercises: Accompany Cohen, Berring and Olson's How to Find the Law, Ninth Edition and Finding the Law
This legal research exercise book helps students master efficient legal research skills through challenging in-depth problems. The 10th edition contains all new problems and a new format covering both print...
U. P.R. U.C. UCLA UMKC University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law UDC/DCSL University of West Los Angeles Valparaiso Vanderbilt Villanova Washington & Lee West[ern] William & Mary William Mitchell UWLA Val.
Legal Research Exercises, Following The Bluebook : a Uniform System of Citation, Seventh Edition: To Accompany Robert C. Berring's Finding...
Galvez v. Kuhn, 933 F.2d 773. Allegation that supervisor's conduct was motivated by desire to find reason to fire employee was too tenuous a connection to collective bargaining agreement discharge provisions to ...
Charts and practice tips, updated for this edition, that help students apply what they have learned. Tips on how to effectively use electronic resources are included throughout the text.
Individual chapters include explanatory text with examples, a checklist summary of the text, and a citation exercise for practicing and reinforcing the rules covered in the chapter.