The Seventh Edition focuses on an exploration of laws enacted to make equality in the workplace a reality. The book emphasizes federal statutory protection against federal regulatory interpretations, and state laws on equality in the workplace are included where appropriate. The materials explore the meaning of equality, theories of discrimination, defenses to claims of employment discrimination, problems of proving or disproving claims of discrimination, remedies, and developments on alternative dispute processes in resolving employment discrimination claims. The notes contain a variety of problems developed from employment discrimination cases. In addition to the traditional pedagogical sources, the materials are enriched by the scholarship of critical race theorists, feminist legal scholars, and comparative materials from different societies and cultures. A Teacher's Manual is available. discrimination in employment, for example, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, but constitutional provisions
Teaching College Students to Read Analytically: An Individualized Approach
本书汇集2017年度宁波广播电视获得全国、浙江省和宁波市新闻及其它类别政府奖的优秀作品,由新闻传播的专家逐一撰写分析评论文章。作品的体裁包括长短消息、通讯专稿、连续 ...
This book provides a comprehensive overview of employment law and is a useful supplement to any employment law casebook. The book is divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 examines who...
With this product, you'll get an inside look at what it's like to practice law in 30 major specialty areas, including appellate practice, entertainment, immigration, international, tax, and telecommunications. This...
Basic Guide to the National Labor Relations Act
With rapid population ageing and the trend towards early retirement, there is a need to promote better employment opportunities for older people. There is need for reform of old-age pensions...
When Hormel, a profitable company, demanded deep wage cuts, local P-9 dug in its heels. Their story is one of no retreat, no surrender. The Austin, Minnesota, strike became a...
In their incisive new casebook, CASES AND MATERIALS ON EMPLOYMENT LAW, Sullivan, Calloway, and Zimmer present the full range of protections that make up employment law, while challenging students to...
The Worker and the Law