This text provides a comprehensive and flexible teaching instrument for any course in legal drafting. It contains text, examples, and exercises that deal with both contract and statutory drafting-making the text suitable for a general drafting course, or one that focuses on either of the two more specialized forms of a drafted document. Most of the chapters contain exercises that test students' knowledge of and ability to apply the materials. They also contain further drafting exercises that involve drafting or revising either specific provisions or entire contracts and statutes.
245 Bradley v . Pizzaco of Nebraska Inc. ( CA 8 , 92-3781 , 10/21/93 , 7 F3d 795 ; see also 51 : 811 , 55 : 347 , 68 : 242 , 68 : 245 ) Bramesco v . Drug Computer Consultants ( DC SNY , 93 Civ . 0923 ( VLB ) , 10/23/93 , 834 FSupp 120 ) ...
「我們不同。我們一體。」 她是美國史上第二位最高法院女性大法官。 她是說真話的「法院之友」,也是大眾仰慕的「聲名狼藉」人權鬥士。 她的辭世,撼動美國憲政光譜。 ...
Dr. Paula Mosley, Dr. Wendell York, and Dr. Carrie Jones all now confirm that her tinnitus is permanent. Each of them is of the opinion that the cause of Ms. Mann's condition stems solely from the MRI she received at the Center when she ...
This guide presents tactics for marketing a law practice. It includes sample worksheets, marketing plans and step-by-step guidelines, covering: writing newsletters, articles and brochures; Internet marketing; public relations plans; and...
Rev. ed. of: California style manual / by Robert E. Formichi. 3rd ed. c1986.
Tells how to decide when and if to pursue a different career, and suggests how to take advantage of one's legal skills in other professions.
Making it and Breaking it: The Fate of Public Interest Commitment During Law School
With this product, you'll get an inside look at what it's like to practice law in 30 major specialty areas, including appellate practice, entertainment, immigration, international, tax, and telecommunications. This...
Protecting the Innocent: Ensuring Competent Counsel in Death Penalty Cases : Hearing Before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States...
A new book dealing with the fundamentals of legal writing and research. Each chapter focuses only on the essential skills needed for success in the paralegal field. Topics include primary...