The book begins with a review of the history, technology, and competing theories of the Internet that enables a deeper understanding of case law and statutory developments discussed in the substantive chapters. The book covers the history of the Inter! net to the rapidly evolving Web 3.0, competing theories of Internet governance, cyber jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments, choice and conflicts of law, cybertorts, online contracting and licensing, the protection of online intellectual property assets, the protection of online privacy, criminal liability for Internet activity, and European Community Directives such as the E-Commerce Directive, Brussels Regulation, and Rome I Regulation.
Softbound - New, softbound print book.
To help readers come to grips with the necessity of approaching the subject from a transnational perspective, this book surveys the best available U.S. and foreign cases, statutes, and commentaries covering global Internet Law developments.
This edition emphasizes the legal and policy issues arising out of social media such as Twitter's decision to permanently ban President Trump from its platform.
The text also examines the tensions between the ease of copying of digital files and the concerns of copyright owners.
Advance praise for The GigaLaw Guide to Internet Law “I read this book from cover to cover.
This book explores what the American Civil Liberties Union calls the "third era" in cyberspace, in which filters "fundamentally alter the architectural structure of the Internet, with significant implications for free speech.
Daniel Collins, a Munger partner who has argued dozens of cases in the Ninth Circuit, led the Internet Brands team.31 Collins petitioned the Ninth Circuit to rehear the case. He had two main arguments. First, he claimed that the panel ...
The book covers the full sweep of the subject, but is still short enough that the core topics can be taught in a 3-credit survey course. ¿ UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE: The seventh edition features five new principal cases, along with numerous new ...
Global view of the fundamental legal issues raised by the advent of the Internet.
The 10th edition of Issues In Internet Law: Society, Technology, and the Law updated for 2016 with the latest cases and trends.