Federal Income Taxation: A Contemporary Approach uses several modern platforms to introduce students to the federal income taxation of individuals. After a general overview, the book takes two more passes through the system, each in increasing detail. This helps students see the overall structure early in their studies and gives context to new concepts as they are introduced. Helpful self-assessment questions allow students to measure their own comprehension and save valuable class time for more advanced discussions. Almost 100 detailed problems for class discussion require students to apply Code and Regulation provisions to real-life fact patterns. Like other titles in the Interactive Casebook series, the accompanying electronic version gives students immediate access to the full text of cited cases, statutes, articles, and other materials in the Westlaw database. It also contains hundreds of links to relevant videos, photos, articles, audio clips, and other sources that help make the subject come alive for students. The electronic version also allows for immediate content updates, easing the burden on instructors to prepare supplemental material.
Taxation for Decis. Makers 13 Edition
Taxation for Decision Makers
1995 Income Tax Fundamentals
Income Tax Fundamentals, 1992
Abridged version of: West's federal taxation : individual income taxes, and West's federal taxation : corporations, partnerships, estates, and trusts.
An edited version of the first two WFT textbooks, this book offers a thorough and balanced treatment of relevant tax codes and regulations as applied to individuals and corporations.
WEST FEDERAL TAXATION: INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAXES, 2007 EDITION is accessible, comprehensive, and authoritative in its coverage of the Tax Code and regulations pertaining to the individual taxpayer.
Discover the study tools and resources to master individual income tax concepts and succeed in class with this edition's complete Study Guide.
[The book] is an abridged version of West's Federal Taxation: Individual Income Taxes and West's Federal Taxation: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts .
West Federal Taxation: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates, and Trusts